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Click the links below to view job details
Pay Scale:
No Prior Experience £12.50 per hour, £25,350 salary. (Excluding any sleep-ins). All Domiciliary Support Workers will be expected to work sleep-in shifts, which are paid at £70. All overtime is voluntary.
Previous experience
This grade is for people with no or very little experience of working with learning disabilities. The Grade 1 will be issued by a mentor (who may be the Service Manager), who will support and guide the support worker through their probation which consists of:
The probationary period will normally last 24 weeks and its completion is dependent on satisfying the conditions described above. Confirmation of the successful completion of the probationary period will be delivered by means of an appraisal conducted by the Service Manager at the 24 week point (or before if all elements have been completed). When this confirmation is received the support worker will be provided with the opportunity to enrol on the next available and logistically acceptable Diploma 2 / Diploma 3 course.
Additionally, the support worker will be expected to complete the further e-learning and classroom based training courses during their employment. These are currently under review but will include:
Other in-house and external training courses will also be provided by Zeno if considered necessary.
Previous experience
The position covers those with no experience and basic experience or knowledge of working with adults or children with learning disabilities, managing complex or challenging behaviour or working with adults who have mental health problems.
Pay Scale:
Grade 2: Experienced Staff £13.21 per hour, £26,789.88 salary. (Excluding any sleep-ins). All Domiciliary Support Workers will be expected to work sleep-in shifts, which are paid at £70. All overtime is voluntary.
Existing Staff
For those Grade 1 support workers completing a full 12 months at Zeno, the Service Manager, during the annual appraisal, will decide whether or not a promotion to the next grade, Grade 2 is applicable. Promotion will be awarded on a performance based assessment, objectively assessed using variables such as punctuality, attendance, flexibility, work ethic, training completed, completion of a successful PDF and appraisal document etc.
The Grade 2 support workers can be used by the Service Manager as a Mentor to other members of staff.
Service Managers can reward support worker staff before the completion of 12 months if they feel the person is working at a high level and should be a Grade 2.
New Staff
For people recruited directly to this grade. The Grade 2 will be issued with a mentor who will support and guide the support worker through their probation which consists of:
The probationary period will normally last 12 weeks and its completion is dependent on satisfying the conditions described above.
Confirmation of the successful completion of the probationary period will be delivered by means of an appraisal conducted by the Service Manager at the 12 week point. When this confirmation is received the support worker will be provided with the opportunity to enrol on the next available and logistically acceptable Diploma 2 / Diploma 3 course.
Additionally, the support worker will be expected to complete further e-learning and classroom based training courses during their employment. These are currently under review but will include:
Other in-house and external training courses will also be provided by Zeno if considered necessary.
Pay Scale:
Grade 3: Advanced (RRR & Shenton) £13.60 per hour, £27,580.80 salary. (Excluding any sleep-ins).
All Domiciliary Support Workers will be expected to work sleep-in shifts, which are paid at £70. All overtime is voluntary.
Grade 3 is for staff who have met all the criteria required for Grades 1, 2 and are working at an advanced level in our Rapid Review and Resettlement Service or Shenton Service. This role requires service specific training as identified by the senior management team.
Pay Scale:
Grade 4: Champion & Keyworkers £13.92 per hour, £28,229.76. (Excluding any sleep-ins).
All Domiciliary Support Workers will be expected to work sleep-in shifts, which are paid at £70. All overtime is voluntary.
Grade 4 is for staff who have met all the criteria required for Grades 1, 2 and 3 and have also been identified by their manager as acting in a senior capacity above and beyond that which has earned them Grade 2 or 3. This role requires considerable experience fulfilling keyworker, champion, or shift leader responsibilities, as identified by the senior management team.
Pay Scale:
Grade 5: Senior Support Worker £14.48 per hour, £29,365.44 salary. (Excluding any sleep-ins).
All Domiciliary Support Workers will be expected to work sleep-in shifts, which are paid at £70. All overtime is voluntary.
Grade 5 is for staff who have met all the criteria required for Grades 1, 2 3 and 4 and have also been identified by their manager as acting in a senior capacity above and beyond that which has earned them Grade 4. This requires at least 24 months service and previous experience fulfilling keyworker, champion, or shift leader responsibilities, as identified by the senior management team and are acting as a Senior Support Worker