Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) provides a process to understand and resolve the challenging behaviour of individuals that is based on values and empirical research. At the core of PBS is the principle to promote a good quality of life. If the diverse needs of the individual are met through, for example, an engaging activity schedule and active support approach, then the evidence proves that challenging behaviour reduces. PBS offers an approach to develop an understanding of why the individual engages in challenging behaviour and strategies to prevent the occurrence of challenging behaviour while teaching the individual new skills. PBS offers a holistic approach that considers all factors that have an impact on a person and the person’s behaviour. It can be used to address challenging behaviours that range from aggression, self-injurious behaviour, and property damage to social withdrawal.
Why do we use a PBS approach at Zeno:
PBS emerged in the 1980s as a holistic approach to understanding and addressing challenging behaviours. PBS has many attributes:
- It is person-centred. PBS addresses the individual and respects their dignity. This includes listening to the individual, recognizing the individual’s skills, strengths, and goals, and the belief that the individual can accomplish his or her goals. Interventions are developed to fit the specific individual rather than a “cookbook” approach.
• It causes positive changes. Through environmental changes and reinforcement of adaptive behaviours, individuals can reduce problem behaviours. Coping mechanisms such as relaxation can take the place of the challenging behaviours. PBS minimizes the need for restrictive practices.
• It is outcome-focused. PBS places an emphasis on outcomes important to the individual and to society. These behavioural outcomes, such as fewer aggressive incidents, have the ability to make homes, communities, hospitals, and care environments safer.
• It provides collaborative support. PBS involves collaboration with those who support an individual, including caregivers, support providers, parents, nurses, teachers, nurses, support workers, and service managers. This collaborative process keeps everyone involved in the individual’s support and allows for new behaviours and skills to be supported in all settings.
• Each individual will have an effective Positive Behaviour Support Plan within 12 weeks of their transition, using information from all stakeholders of the supported person’s circle of trust.