Zeno Ltd are committed to initial and continuous training to ensure that all staff are equipped with the knowledge they need to work at the best of their potential.
All new support staff undertake a week-long induction, comprised of the following:
Day 1: Introduction to Zeno and the Job Role, Care Certificate DVD & Folder
Day 2: Safeguarding and MCA
Day 3: First Aid
Day 4/5: MAPA
All training days are delivered by an experienced member of the Zeno Management Team.
MAPA is the Management of Actual and Potential Aggression and includes disengagement techniques and physical intervention holds. It is recognised by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD).
The Care Certificate is a nationally recognised qualification that covers the 15 Principles of Care. The employee is expected to complete all sections within three months of the induction date as part of their probationary period. The manager will review and sign off each section with a probation appraisal upon completion. Certain modules on the Care Certificate act as evidence for a qualification in Health and Social Care Level 2.
Ongoing & Mandatory Training
Employees of Zeno during their probation and beyond will also be trained on the following:
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Mental Capacity Act
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Safety
- Food Hygiene
- Health and Safety
- Nutrition and Diet
- Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
In certain services additional training is provided on:
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Autism
- Mental Health
- Acquired Brain Injuries
- Active Support
- Introduction to Mindfulness
Some of Zeno’s mandatory training is completed via e-learningYou will be provided with log in details to access this on commencement of employment.
Other specialist training employees receive dependant on the service they are at:
Positive Behaviour Support
Mental Health
Acquired Brain Injury Training
Active Support
Introduction to Mindfulness
Zeno’s mandatory training is completed via ELearning and you will be provided with your log in details to access this on commencement of employment. Additional training is devised and delivered by a member of the Zeno Management Team.